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7:45 Faculty and Staff Arrive

8:05  Students Arrive

8:30  Tardy Bell

3:30  Dismissal

We love our students and welcome them with open arms; however, students should not arrive before 8:05.  Prior to our student arrival time, our teachers are working to prepare their classrooms for the day's learning and are not able to watch children who arrive earlier than that.  Our tardy bell rings at 8:30.

Early Dismissal

Charleston County School District has set aside two (4) days in the calendar as early release days.  On these days, students will be released at 1:30.  The early release days for the 2024-2025 school year are October 4, March 13, April 11, and May 28.

Half Days

We will have three half days this year.  These are not to be confused with early release days.  On half days, our dismissal will be at 11:45.  Our three half days are October 18, February 14, and May 29.